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The Reaction Zone reacts to The Kopy Katz Suck

Watch top USA YouTube channel, The Reaction Zone, react live to our video The Kopy Katz Suck. It's brilliant!

Brent, AKA The Reation Zone, is a massive Elvis fan (he loves a bit of rockabilly too) and every Sunday morning he reacts the three or four Elvis videos in a series he calls Elvis Sundays. He also uploads videos throughout the week on his Elvis Nation channel. As we are huge Elvis fans too that's how we started following his videos on YouTube.

So when he reacted to our video, The Kopy Katz Suck, we were blown away. It's such a blast watching him react to the song.

"That was some righteous sizzle! A balls to the wall attitude."

Subscribe to his YouTube channel for his Elvis Sunday's videos at Elvis Nation >



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