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A glorious September evening at Krazy Horse

In early September 2021, on a glorious late summers eve we returned to play at Krazy Horse in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk.

Krazy Horse, a mecca for petrol heads, is a group of motorcycle, car and ebike dealerships. Every summer the hold ‘late night’ bike events which attract a couple of thousand at each event. This was our fourth or fifth visit, I can’t recall exactly.

We had a great night as usual, and a few videos are posted here. We have to really pump the PA to drown out all the bikes. As most people drive their classic cars and bikes to show, there’s not too much drinking. It’s always sobering to play to a dry audience lol.

We hope to be back at Krazy Horse again in 2022 or 2023 as it’s one of our favourite gigs.

Article: Glorious September ‘Late Night’ at Krazy Horse

There’s a great article about the night on the Krazy Horse website by Paul Welch. It starts as follows…

Here at Krazy Horse I think we sometimes take for granted what happens here once a month through April - October at our late night in Bury St Edmunds. It's only when you see it through the eyes of another person you realise just how amazing they are.

Our team from Krazy Horse London made the trip to join in at our September late night and throughly enjoyed it. Our man Paul Welch was blown away and has written a little something to try to summarise what he thought...

"What a better way to enjoy a little relief from it all! In the embers of summer 2021 the Krazy Horse Late Night in Bury St Edmunds was an event at critical mass as it descended on Suffolk

As I approached, the sound of “The Kopy Katz”, our regular band at KH Lates, bellowed across the landscape, inviting you in with wide eyes and curiosity.



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